The Fairy Tale of the Bremen Town Musicians

The Bremen Town Musicians

Once upon a time a donkey which had carried heavy sacks for many years, but now old and weak was discarded and mistreated by its farmer. It decided to run away, setting off for Bremen where it thought it could become a town musician. On its way it met an old and weak dog that left its home because its master finds it useless for hunting and watching and thus, wanted to kill it. The donkey invited the dog to join for Bremen and to become a town musician. The dog happily agreed and they went on together. Soon, they met an old and weak cat that was too slow to get a mouse anymore, and thus was chased out of its home by the miller. "Come with us to Bremen and join us as a town musician", the donkey and dog invited it. The cat happily agreed and they went on together. After a short way they met an old and weak rooster (cock) that was running away from its farm. Being too old to crow and wake up its masters in the morning, the housewife decided to make a fine fricassee of it. The donkey, dog, and cat invited it to follow for a free life as town musician in Bremen. The rooster followed them with pleasure and all four headed for Bremen shouting "Something better than death we can find anywhere!".

But the evening approached soon, and so they had to spend a night right in a dark forest. The rooster, sitting on a tree, spotted a lighted cottage not far away, and the foursome quickly got over. Spying through the window they saw a table laid with lovely things to eat and drink, with a band of robbers sitting around and enjoying their predation. The four friends decided to scare the robbers away. Standing on each other's backs, they jumped through the window making a terrifying noise and row. The bandits run for their lives, thinking it must be a dangerous monster. Proudly, the animals take possession of the house, enjoyed a good meal, and settled in for the evening.

Later that night, the robbers send one of their members to check the hut for a return. When the man entered the cottage, he saw the cat's eyes shining in the darkness. But he thought that would be the coals of the fire and reached over to light his candle. Scared and furiously the cat jumped up and scratched his face with her claws, the dog bit him on the leg, the donkey kicked him with his hooves, and the rooster crowed an ear-deafening "cock-a-doodle-doo!" right into his ear. The terrified bandit run back to his companions telling them breathless the monster would be still there, and it would be the best to abandon the hut, and to run as far as possible. Contented, our brave four friends decided to stay in this nice accommodation and lived happily after.


Above, we integrated the famous Four Bremer Town Musicians into the ICAM-X Logo and, for fun, we present a B-Team of the famous four, consisting of a musk ox, a polar bear, a polar fox, and a snow grouse