Social Programme

Guided tour through Bremen
The tour will show you the highlights of the UNESCO world heritage city of Bremen. It will take place on Sunday afternoon (16th of March), lasts approximately 90 minutes and will finish at the site of the icebreaker reception. It needs to be booked and paid separately (see registration, yet to come).


Ice Breaker reception
The icebreaker reception will take place after the guided tour at the Übersee Museum Bremen, next to the main station. You can pick up your conference documents and enjoy drinks along with some snacks. The icebreaker reception is included in the conference fee.

Conference dinner
This will be buffet-style (including vegetarian and vegan food). It will take place on Wednesday evening and needs to be booked and paid separately (see registration, yet to come).

Post-conference excursion
On Friday you will have the opportunity to either visit …

(1)    the Alfred-Wegener Institute (AWI) for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven. The AWI coordinates the German polar research efforts and as such, it maintains Arctic and Antarctic research stations and the German research ice breaker Polarstern; or

(2)     the MARUM Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen. The MARUM develops, amongst others, the seafloor drill rig MeBo, and it hosts the IODP Bremen Core Repository.

The post-conference excursions are free of charge, but need to be booked separately (see registration, yet to come) to help us with the planning.