
Registration Fee

Registration fees include access to the lectures and poster sessions, the ice breaker reception, daily fingerfood lunch, childcare (if required) and the option to participate in one of the post-conference excursions. Participation in the conference dinner needs to be booked and paid separately.

Regular Fee

  • Early Bird: 390 €
  • Late Booking: 490 €


Student Fee*

  • Early Bird: 320 €
  • Late Booking: 420 €

*The student fee applies for undergraduate and PhD students. Upload of a scan / photo of a student card is required.

Registration Period

Early-bird registration: 01st of July, 2024 – 01st of October, 2024

Regular registration: 02nd of October. 2024 – 15th of March, 2025

Onsite registration*: 16th of March to 20th of March, 2025

*Onsite registration is only possible in cash. An ATM is next to the conference venue.